Amy Adams finds a fan in Margot Kidder, the original Lois Lane


Margot Kidder rose to fame as Lois Lane alongside Christopher Reeve in 1978’s Superman: The Movie & its three sequels.

Man of Steel’s Amy Adams has made a big fan out of former Lois Lane star Margot Kidder.

Margot, who soared to fame in 1978 as the first big screen Lois Lane in Superman: The Movie co-starring the legendary Christopher Reeve, strongly applauds her recent successor for her part in Zach Snyder’s reboot of the franchise.

“I was so excited about Amy Adams doing Lois Lane,” Margot says. “She’s such an incredible actress.”

Amy resumes the role of Superman’s love interest in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice after filling those shoes in the Snyder’s first installment, 2013’s Man of Steel.

Margot loves these new adventures of Superman, but has just one criticism, if she may.

And yes, of course she may. After the actor’s involvement in all four Superman movies with Christopher Reeve, she is in a better position than most film critics weighing in with opinions right now.

Margot’s single grievance has to do with Amy’s time on screen. The films could use much more Lois.

“The potential of her as Lois was so much greater than the script they gave her,” she comments. “As actors we only have the script to go from and I don’t think they gave her enough to do.”

Margot, on the other hand, looks back and feels she had plenty to work with when she first brought the headstrong Daily Planet journalist to life nearly 40 years ago. Margot’s praised performance and standout role made her the icon she is today, and for that, she credits the writers.

“I lucked out. The stuff I was given to act was written by a brilliant writer, Tom Mankiewicz,” she remembers. “I was given lines that had wit, humor and double meaning, and I got to play the two sides of Lois. The Lois with Superman and the Lois with Clark. I don’t think other actresses were given that.”

Whether or not Amy gets the opportunity to carry Lois Lane to further heights, according to Margot, she has already gone above and beyond what could be expected. And for that, she has won herself a superfan.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is in theaters now.

Posted by on Apr 1 2016. Filed under Interviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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