What Armin van Buuren hates about international stardom

ArminVanBuurenArmin van Buuren is a god of the dance floor.

Winner of over 20 International Dance Awards, Armin has been voted the world’s No.1 DJ 5 times by DJ Magazine.

His mega hit single “This Is What It Feels Like” featuring Trevor Guthrie shot his career to new heights when it peaked at No.2 on Billboard’s Top Dance/Electronic Albums chart. The track went on to earn a 2014 Grammy nomination and the 2015 JUNO Award for Dance Recording of the Year.

The Dutchman’s global success has made him a citizen of the world. Armin is living the dream, but he says there is just one downside to flying high and touring the planet.

“I don’t like airports,” Armin says. “Security people are always rude and I can never take my stuff as hand luggage. It’s always a fight. I try to explain to people at airports that if my stuff doesn’t arrive, this whole trip is useless. ‘Ugh, we don’t care sir, you have to check it in.’”

Armin is touring the world with stops including a set at Beachclub in Pointe-Calumet just outside Montreal on Sunday, June 11. See the DJ’s complete itinerary here.

Connect with Armin on twitter and facebook.

Posted by on Jun 9 2017. Filed under ChitChat. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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