80s starlet Deborah Foreman takes another stab at celebrity

“I’m finding out that the movies I did in the 80s have stood the test of time,” actress Deborah Foreman says from her home in Big Bear Lake, California.

Debby’s talking about films like the 1983 romantic comedy Valley Girl, in which she starred opposite Nicolas Cage, and 1986’s offbeat comedy/horror flick April Fool’s Day.

And Deborah’s right, these films have stood the test of time. A musical remake of Valley Girl is currently in the works, and 26 years later, April Fool’s Day remains a cult fave.

“I like the work I did in April Fool’s Day,” Deborah says. “I totally immersed myself into playing Muffy/Buffy. I felt good about the film then and I feel good about the film now.”

The 80s starlet is feeling so good about her work that she’s celebrating the past. 

Last weekend, Deborah stepped back into the spotlight after an extensive break, and made her first convention appearance ever at Louisville’s Fright Night Film Festival.

Deborah lived it up at the film fest where she was joined by actors like Evil Dead’s Bruce Campbell, who she worked with on Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat and Lunatics: A Love Story, and Sean Astin, a talent she adores.

“Sean’s work is so effortless,” Deborah says in awe. “He is a beautiful artist.”

But the highlight of the weekend was her admirers, a fanbase that’s very much alive. Deborah’s actually already booked to appear at another convention, the Chiller Theatre Expo in New Jersey this October.

A unique opportunity has presented itself here, one that’s allowing Deborah to take another stab at fame and embrace her success.

“In the beginning of my career I concentrated on acting only, and not the celebrity part of an actor’s job,” she admits. “Now I’m celebrating the celebrity part and I plan on having a rockin’ time.”

Connect with Deborah on twitter for more upcoming projects.

Posted by on Jul 3 2012. Filed under Interviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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