Wolf in sheep’s clothing: Juno nominee & triple threat Karl Wolf isn’t just another sheep in the flock

“Nah! I don’t bite!” Karl Wolf laughs. That may be, but “The Wolf” is fierce. At first glance this guy looks like one more pretty face busting choreographed moves and flexing a few muscles in a high-energy video, but this 2011 Juno Award nominee isn’t just another grazing sheep following the pop-flock. Karl is “The Wolf” and he is a triple threat. The big, bad kind at that.

Karl Wolf prides himself as a producer, songwriter, and vocalist, and that’s on a bad day.

He earned his nickname “The Wolf” at a young age, even before working in the music biz. It started with a reference to the 80s flick Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox back when Wolf was playing high school basketball in Dubai.

“At that time Teen Wolf was very popular and Fox’s character was the shortest, but fastest guy on the court,” Wolf explains. “I was the shortest, but fastest, hard working guy on my team, so they started calling me ‘The Wolf’.”

Now Karl says he is living up to the mighty name in full force on the music front, but come to think of it, he meant business since day one. Back in 2001, Wolf took a different approach than most and came through the backdoor of the music industry.

“I started as a producer and songwriter as oppose to an artist like a lot of others in this business,” Karl says.

After winning a Félix Award for “Best Mix & Sound” at L’ADISQ, Wolf was recruited by Antoine Sicotte, founder of the acclaimed former pop band Sky. As Wolf took on vocal duties as Sky frontman, he showed off yet another talent and a glimpse of what makes him the triple threat he is today.

“So I got the 101 in production and songwriting down. The next natural step in my career was to sing and finally make my own solo album,” Karl says.

Cue Wolf’s Juno nominated debut solo album Face Behind the Face, written, recorded, produced and starring Karl Wolf, the one man show. Bite the Bullet, Wolf’s second album, followed close behind with the international hit and three time platinum single “Africa” and Karl’s third effort, Nightlife, just received a Juno nod for R&B/Soul Recording of the Year.

“I’m such a control freak and I wear so many hats. I just can’t have it any other way,” he admits. “Sometimes it gets so hectic that I wish I was just a puppet and someone else took care of everything, but this is the way I like it. I want to be in total control of my career.”

Not a complete workaholic, Karl took some time out to get a little personal.

Congratulations on all your success and recognition!

Thanks! I am so happy to be recognized as an R&B artist here in Canada. I’ve won awards for being a producer and songwriter, but I’ve always known in my heart that I have the capability and the potential to be heard as an artist, a vocalist.

These nominations solidify and confirm it for me. Even if I don’t win, I’m on the right track and I’m feeling ecstatic.

Can you describe those feelings of lust and love pulsing through most of your music?

It’s all about that feeling you have in your stomach when you have a crush. I don’t know if people have crushes these days anymore because the world is really desensitized. I actually don’t think people fall in love as much as they did. Growing up, I remember that there was this feeling, I’m sure everyone’s felt it at least one time in their life, when you see this person and you say, “Oh my God.” It’s just larger than life.

What emotional state inspires you most?

When love’s been hurting me, not when I’m happy. When I’m happy with someone, I put that energy into them. It’s easier to write when it’s lost because I don’t have anything left to channel it into. When I lose something, when it’s tough, that’s when my true emotions come out.

You’re on my imaginary reality dating show and you have 60 seconds to convince a beautiful woman to date you. Tic toc, what do you say?

I’d sing to them and I’d say, “I can make you happy, I’ll be there for you, I’m loyal, faithful, driven. I’ll be true.” Well, something like that.

What’s your vision of the perfect date?

Summertime on a beach somewhere or just going for a walk with someone who is easygoing and doing something positive with their life.

What makes you less than perfect?

Everything that’s bad has a positive twist to it. I had a conversation with a friend of mine and she told me, “Karl, you have this habit where you don’t let people finish their sentences. You talk about yourself and what’s going on in your life without giving another person the space to let you know about them.”

However, if it wasn’t for that characteristic my drive wouldn’t be as strong and my marketing strategy wouldn’t be as good. You know, if someone asks who I am, I’m going to tell them. I’m honest and you asked. So let’s see, a bad habit? I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. One of my biggest downfalls: females.

Ok Romeo, where is the most romantic place here at home in Montreal?

The Old Port. It’s beautiful. Go for lunch, ice cream or a walk by the water. I’ve been on a date there and I think it’s romantic, especially in the summer.

And your hot spot during our cold winters?

Ooh! Enjoy the indoors. Shack up with your girlfriend or your boyfriend, rent a movie, order a pizza and… that’s it!

Karl Wolf’s third studio album, Nightlife, is nominated for R&B/Soul Recording of the Year at the 2011 Juno Awards

Karl Wolf discography:

Face Behind the Face (2006)

Bite the Bullet (2007)

Nightlife (2009)

Posted by on Mar 20 2011. Filed under Interviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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